Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has embarked on a series of large projects aimed at turning it into an Airport City.
To accommodate future air traffic growth, the Airport Authority is expanding HKIA into a three-runway system which is one of the largest infrastructure projects in the history of Hong Kong. The three-runway system allows HKIA to handle the long-term demand of air traffic growth.
The scale of the three-runway system (3RS) project is almost equal to building a new airport next to the existing one.
“We are adding capacity and functionality, strengthening our cargo leadership, and also making this a landmark for tourism and travelers,” Vivian Cheung, executive director of airport operations for Airport Authority Hong Kong, told the South China Morning Post. “We think that Hong Kong International Airport is not just the airport. It’s a very important economic engine for Hong Kong and for the Greater Bay Area.”
There will be a new, 3 800-meter-long runway and its supporting taxiway systems. The existing North Runway will also be reconfigured. A 2,600-meter-long automated People Mover (APM) system will connect Terminal 2 with the T2 Concourse. The new APM system will operate at a top speed of 80km/h and transport up to 10,800 passengers per hour.
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